There comes a special time... we have all been there a time or two. We struggle, pray, fight, work and try with all our might to reach it. It only comes a few times in our life if we are very lucky. And only if you have that certain connection, that special bond, that once in a life time partnership, that one certain being that you can come together with and trust with your heart, mind and soul.
I have that with my Cait. We know each other. There have been a very few times when the world melts away and everything becomes peaceful, quiet and calm. A grassy field, a few sheep, her and I. We go to that special place and it happens... a single, small pinpoint of focus. It's far too rare and elusive. A certain time in space when Cait and I are one.
She is in my head as I am in hers. Stillness in our minds as they unite. There is no battle of wills, no indecision, no hesitation. Only unison and a single purpose.
I feel her body tight with anticipation as she waits for the one sound from me that will shoot her from my feet like a race horse out of the starting gate. She feels when I want her to take one step or two. She knows when I make a mistake and she is there to correct it before I am even aware of it. She feels me breath in to whistle but it is too late because she knows what I want and is doing it. We feel the grass whip across our belly as we run to cut off that bad ewe that is trying to escape... we look her in the eye and she knows not to try us. At times there is no need for a command from me, she is there where I want her... with just a thought in my head
And then, alas, it ends. The world bleeds back into our little moment. Our time of quiet beauty is over. There is a sense of accomplishment. A time like no other and might never be again.
We walk off the field... no one the wiser.
She sees the happiness in my eyes and I see a twitch of her tail, that strut in her walk and her little smile that says that'll do, pard.
I reach down to touch her as she lifts her head to meet my hand.
A certain moment when everything fits and is perfect.
My Cait and I.
Goose bumps!! Beautiful, Carie!