Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My First Trial

Hi! its me Cait, again. i met you last time. i wanted to tell you about the first trial i ever competed in.
i was about 1 1/2 years old then and i was still learning about how to be a good sheep dog. (my person was just learning about sheepdog stuff too and i had to help her sometimes. shes kinda slow. but she tries hard so i have to have alot of patience) we had worked and practiced to get ready for the trial and we were both excited about going.
when we got there she told me that Zeke was going to go first in the big dog class. then my class would be later in the day... i didnt like it too much i was ready to go!! i was not very nervous but my mom was... alot! so i got a good nap in so i could be all ready to go.
i watched Zeke and he did great... as always. he is a very cool dude!
it was my turn and my person was so nervous her legs were shaking and she was about to throw up!
EEWWWW! good thing she didnt tell me all this til later.
i dont remember much about the run cause i was so excited. she sent me on my outrun. i ran down to get the sheep quick as i could!!
i brought the sheep to her fast i could, it wasn't very straight cause the sheep were going soooo fast and i forgot to lie down when she told me and i wouldnt take the flank to get them straight. im sorry, but it was all so very crazy!! the sheep were running fast and i had to keep up. we went through the panels and i was in a hurry cause i was so excited.... i think it was cause my person was too. the sheep kept going around and around her... and i had to lay down alot. then we took the sheep to the pen, a little quick footwork and in they went. YAY!!!! WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!
it was over so fast! my mom picked me up in front of everybody and gave me a big hug!! I think she was crying too.  it was a little silly but i put up with it cause i love her.
she was very proud of me and i was proud of her too cause she didnt throw up and embarrass us both.
that nice lady, Sally, gave my person a big compliment and told her that i was a good dog and i was going places. the judge, Bill, told my person some things we should work on for next time. then we got to do it again!!! WOW this is FUN!
and you know what? we got FIRST PLACE!!!! now i dont really care about that but it i was happy cause my person was proud of me and everyone told her what a good dog i was and that made her very very happy.
we got to come back the next day and do it again. two times! and you know what?!?!?  we got first again!!
i think i like this trial thing! and you know the very best thing about it?..... i get to get sheep!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You two are a team that was meant to be. :) Give that special little Cait an extra scrap of turkey leftovers for me! :)
